
The Porto AFM Workshop 2019 has been announced. This is the sixth edition of the course!


The course will run from the 15th to 18th April. This is a training workshop, aimed at any researcher or scientist, who wants to learn about AFM, or increase their knowledge of the technique. Following the successful courses that have run since 2011, the course will includes several hours hands-on training in acquiring images with the atomic force microscope as well as AFM data processing.




Please click the image below to download the flyer with more details.

link to .pdf of flyer




 A blog with information and student feedback from the previous courses can be seen here:2017 course, 2014 course2013 course2011 course.

The course is supported by AFMWorkshop, The Faculty of Sciences of The University of Porto and my research institution, LAQV/Requimte. 

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