A very kind mention of our book has been made on the blog from the people at NuNano. This was in an article entitled "12 Brilliant Books on Atomic Force Microscopy". The post is well worth a read, as it covers a lot of the best general texts out there, and some of the more specialised ones as well. Nunano have also been doing quote a lot to create better community around AFM, and their blog is a must-read for me. There is alot of very useful material on their website for the AFM User. Thanks a lot for the kind words, guys!
"This classic text was the starting point from which the website afmhelp.com emerged, run and regularly updated by author Peter Eaton, with the explicit objective to contain all the AFM related material they couldn’t fit into the book! There’s a lot of love for the website from the AFM Community and wholesale agreement that the book behind it is a must-have too."