3. Other Artifacts
3.3 Flying Tip
This artifact shows that the AFM is not properly tracking the surface.
In the example below the effect is obvious, but this is not always the case.
Sometimes it is clearer if you look at some of the other signals, like amplitude or phase or deflection images. In the images shown below, note how all the features have a "tail" to their left.

In the example above, the image of nanoparticles shows "tails" on each particle, to the left. The image was recorded scanning from right to left.Typically, the left to right image would show the tails on the right side of each feature. It is typical of this effect that you will get different images in the two directions.
How to avoid it.
If you see this, your feedback parameters are incorrect.
It is usually easy to fix. You generally should increase integral gain, then the proportional gain, you may need to change the setpoint too, or even scan more slowly. See the answer about adjusting AFM feedback parameters here, in in my book.