Test for Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1 is the introduction chapter. Firstly the background to AFM is explained, which techniques preceded it, and how it came to be invented. Then some important characteristics of AFM are discussed, with reference to other microscopy techniques. This is a short chapter, covering briefly some material that occurs in greater details through the rest of the book; for this reason there are only 5 questions here.
Q1. What two major instruments preceded AFM?
Q2. Who invented the AFM and built the first ever instrument?
Q3. Which SPM technique is most commonly used, STM or AFM?
Q4. Which prize was given to the inventors of AFM and why?
Q5. Limitation in imaging what kind of sample limitation lead to the development of the AFM?
Long answer question.
Compare SEM, TEM with AFM. Under what circumstance would AFM be better than SEM, TEM and optical microscopy? Under what circumstance would AFM be worse than SEM, TEM and optical microscopy?
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